How ai is transforming
political advocacy

There is no hotter topic than AI, and various AI solutions are already transforming political advocacy.
Below is a summary of how Neptune is deploying AI to help clients:

AI Powered Ad Trading

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    Market prices to reach targets

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    Campaign budgets

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    Most cost-efficient media outlets to reach targets

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    Ideal time-of-day to deliver ads

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    Video completion rates

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    Activist and voter engagement

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The latest tools in political technology allow us to reach decision makers and voters in surgically targeted ways that were previously impossible. But technology is only as good as the inputs that go into it.

Our leaders are career-long political professionals with extensive training in all of the tools of political advocacy. Many digital firms offer technical experience without the political chops. Many political consultants have the political pedigree without the technical expertise.

AI-Powered Ad Trading

AI-powered ad trading allows us to optimize for:

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Market prices to reach targets

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Campaign budgets

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Most cost-efficient media outlets to reach targets

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Ideal time-of-day to deliver ads

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Video completion rates

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Activist and voter engagement

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... and numerous other custom optimizations based on machine learning.

Identity Resolution and Cookieless Targeting

The process of linking an ad target's various devices to each other, and stitching numerous cookieless identifiers together to help replace cookies.

Natural Language Processing

Understanding the content that people are consuming to identify and reach relevant audiences.

ACR Data

Automatic Content Recognition data comes from chips embedded in smart TVs that allow advertisers to process what people are seeing, and then use this data to reach targets.

Ad Production Including Native Ads

AI drives modern ad production in multiple ways, including creating numerous efficiencies in image and voice generation. AI is also the engine of native ad production, a remarkable technology that transforms ads to match the style of content being consumed by the audience.

AI - Driven Voter Outreach

AI-powered tools are bringing scale and efficiency to voter outreach calls, texting campaigns, and other GOTV programs.

No One Knows The Future Of AI

While you will hear many confident predictions about the future of AI, we believe that modesty is in order. Think about this incredible fact—Orville Wright was still alive when Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. Imagine if someone had asked Orville at Kitty Hawk if he would live to see the day when a plane flew faster than the speed of sound, or if that day was even possible. . . . and now ask yourself this. When was the pace of innovation faster—today, or in 1903?

At Neptune Ops we're constantly searching for the newest ways that AI can drive outcomes for our clients. We can't promise you where things will land, but we can promise you an interesting flight.